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Cosmetic Dentist in Kernersville Has Teeth Whitening Diet

March 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — walkerddsteam @ 6:46 pm

close-up smileUndergoing professional teeth whitening is a wonderful way to refresh and rejuvenate the appearance of your smile. At-home teeth whitening is performed gradually over the course of one to two weeks, and during this time it is important that you stay away from highly pigmented foods and beverages. Keep reading to find out more about what that includes from your cosmetic dentist in Kernersville.

What Not to Eat During Teeth Whitening

After each whitening application — and pretty much throughout the entire two weeks that you are using the treatment — your teeth will be more vulnerable to absorbing stains from what you eat and drink. This is because the whitening solution slightly breaks down the tooth enamel’s ability to protect itself from stains and discoloration. It is mandatory that you avoid consuming dark or vibrant items immediately after whitening — and best if you stay away from them altogether during the treatment.

Some of the things to avoid during teeth whitening include:

  • Black coffee (add cream or milk and drink through a straw if you can’t stay away)
  • Dark tea or sodas
  • Ripe berries
  • Tomato sauce, like for pasta (try a cream sauce instead)
  • Dark chocolate
  • Dark salad dressings (oily foods can pose even more of a problem, as they can cling to the teeth more easily)
  • Craft beer
  • Red wine (even white wine, due to its acidity, can make the teeth more vulnerable to absorbing stains from what you eat and drink)
  • Cigarettes and tobacco products

Eating neutral-colored foods, like potatoes, fish, eggs, and rice, during your whitening treatment will help to ensure that you enjoy the whitest results possible.

Maintaining Your Vibrant Smile

After you have undergone teeth whitening in Kernersville, taking excellent care of your smile will help you enjoy your dazzling results for as long as possible. You should keep up with your solid oral hygiene habits, including brushing the teeth for two minutes, twice a day, and flossing between teeth daily. Drink plenty of water and try to avoid or cut back on the foods listed above, all of which will gradually take a toll on your white smile. Visit your dentist every six months for a checkup and hygiene appointment to remove plaque and tartar buildup and help to ensure that the teeth stay sparkling clean and beautiful for the long haul!

Whitening your teeth is easy when you partner with a trusted professional. To learn more about teeth whitening or how you can enjoy the maximum results, don’t hesitate to visit your dentist in Kernersville!

About Dr. Veronica S. Walker

Dr. Walker is a trusted general and cosmetic dentist serving Kernersville and the surrounding communities. To learn more about her services, including at-home teeth whitening, you are invited to contact the office by calling (336) 993-3727.

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