Hands-Free Ways to Greet Your Dental Team
May 23, 2020
There’s no doubt about it—COVID-19 has impacted basically every facet of life. From the way you shop to working from home and eating more meals at home, you’ve altered how you interact with others, especially when it comes to greetings. Even routine dental appointments will look different now because of the pandemic. When you visit your dentist in Kernersville, in place of a friendly handshake or hug, you’ll need to find another way to say hello. In this post, you’ll learn why less contact is best and how you can greet your dental team sans hand contact.
Reasons to Limit Contact with Others
While there are still many unknowns about this coronavirus, one thing is clear at this point: COVID-19 is spread through droplets from person to person. Most often, infected droplets contaminate a person’s hands, which come into contact with their mouth, eyes, or nose and allow the virus to enter the system.
Throughout the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have constantly encouraged people to wash their hands often, but even with hand sanitizer and frequent washings, germs can still pass from person to person on their hands. As a result, everyone has been told to minimize their contact with those outside their household. The experts at the CDC have determined that, as much as possible, people need to remain at least six feet apart from others to slow the spread of the virus.
Ways You Can Greet Your Dentist
Although your dental team is undoubtedly excited to see you in the office again, hugs and handshakes should be avoided to keep everyone healthy. Here are some alternative greetings you can use instead:
- Elbow bump. To avoid touching hands, you can do a quick elbow bump. It allows you to still have contact with much less risk.
- Wave. You can’t go wrong with a simple wave from a safe distance. Plus, it’s internationally recognizable and friendly!
- Namaste bow. If you’re looking for a greeting with good vibes, you can borrow this common one from India. Put your hands together with the tips of your fingers pointing upward and give a slight bow.
- Use your feet. Who says you have to use your hands to say hello? In some countries, people have tapped toes.
- Get creative. If you like giving people a thumbs up or air high-fives, feel free to do so with your dentist.
Regardless of how you choose to greet your dental team, you need to know that your safety and protection are their top priority. If you follow guidelines for social distancing, your dental visit will involve much less risk and still be a productive, positive experience.
About the Author
After finishing dental school, Dr. Zack Walker completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry program in Elizabeth City through the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine. In the practice in Kernersville, he and his team have integrated new safety protocols to maintain a healthy, safe environment for both staff and patients. If you have questions about these precautions, you can contact Dr. Walker by calling or clicking here.
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